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Showing posts from August, 2024

The Divine Exchange, No More Crumbs

The Divine Exchange, No More Crumbs © 2024 Debbie Turner Chavers All art, writing, poetry, posts, video and photography, copyright © 2024 Debbie Turner Chavers.  All Rights Reserved. and   Scripture references taken from the King James bible.  Resources at

Daniel’s Vision-Daniel 2:19-23 and Daniel 2: 27-45

Art Parable -Vision of Daniel 2: The Fourth Kingdom © Debbie Turner Chavers June 3, 2024 as I fell asleep I saw a quick image that startled me awake.  I saw a line of fire and two feet made of metal and clay with legs attached descending from the sky. I immediately thought “ That looks like the statue’s feet from the book of Daniel! (chapter 2 verses 40-45)  The line of fire appeared first, then I saw the lower legs and feet descending above it. I quickly looked up the scriptures about the statue. I was not reading or studying the book of Daniel at that time. Yet I believe the vision was to turn my attention to these particular scriptures. The kingdoms of this world will end. Be ready.  Have your lamps full of oil and trimmed, no man knows the time of the Lord’s return, yet He shall return for his own. As it states in Daniel 2:45 “and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof is sure. The fourth kingdom shall happen, possibly on the horizon.  Times and seasons are establishe