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Word Buoys-Life Preservers

Word Buoys-Life Preservers
© 2015  Debbie Turner Chavers
Water-Man Series
Matthew 14:22:33

Have you ever felt that you were in over your head in life or that you needed to accomplish something extraordinary?  There have been times in my life when I thought how easy it would be to accept the invitation that was given to Peter by Jesus. To be fearless in my endeavors, yet instead, I grab hold of God's word and float!
Peter was bold and as boisterous as the wind and the sea he was stepping onto.  At that moment he was fearless. My thought is that those still in the ship were fearful.
Have you ever wanted to believe the impossible could be possible? Yet fear or lack of faith kept you in the ship? No condemnation. Human nature says "There is safety in the boat with our companions."  Yet Jesus gives us the opportunity to walk on the water, even in a contrary wind!
God is able, He will preserve and keep you. Indeed if we fall, He will lift us up.
Standing, seated, or walking on the water, the key is to keep your eyes on Jesus.

Isaiah 43:2  When thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

Jesus is the Word made flesh, so the written word is a buoy or life preserver to the believer and his walk of faith with the Lord.

These men walked with Jesus daily and yet they were fearful of that which they didn't understand.
Sometimes it seems that, like the disciples we have been told to go before him to the other side while he sends the multitudes away. Jesus knew the different personalities and level of faith of each disciple in the ship. I find it comforting that Jesus immediately stretched forth his hand to catch Peter even as he said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
Even though the other disciples attempted nothing extraordinary, they were obedient to Jesus' previous command to get into a ship, and go before him unto the other side. They all obeyed and were not rebuked by Jesus for remaining in the ship.
All of us may not have the faith level of Peter to walk on water, yet we can all be obedient where God has placed us in our journey here on earth. Whether we are in the ship or walking on the water to Jesus, our response should be worship and the acknowledgement that he is the Son of God.

Be patient, Jesus is coming for His own. John 14:3

You can read more articles featuring this Art Parable...
Someone is Always Watching...Our Life...Persevere
Water in Season and Out 
Car Wash?

Matthew 14:22 -33
And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray, and when the evening was come, he was there alone.
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.
And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit, and they  cried out for fear.
But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid.
And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
And he said, Come.  And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid: and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord save me.
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.
Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying Of a truth thou art the Son of God.

All art, writing, poetry, posts, and photography, copyright © 2015 Debbie Turner Chavers. All Rights Reserved. Encouragement?  
Scripture references taken from the King James bible.


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