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Showing posts from March, 2013

Invisible Walls, Luke 4:18, Setting the Captives Free

Invisible Walls, Luke 4:18, Setting the Captives Free © 1996 Debbie Turner Chavers My Initial Art Journal Sketch Each person may have walls that have been erected within and around them. A box made of invisible walls. The walls could be self -built. For some, only the wisdom found in God’s word reveals the box. So many people remain in bondage, waiting for their release. The King of Kings, Jesus Christ has paid for and Holds the Keys to set them free. I was “a them”. I sketched myself naked, enclosed and sitting in a puddle of tears. For this was my life before the Risen, Lord Jesus set me free. The box or boxes can have many names. Fear, Anger, Depression, Sexual Sin, Self Sufficiency, Pride, the list can be quite long. Jesus will set you free . He died and rose again to give you life everlasting, freedom to accept the unmerited favor of His grace and His shed blood for the removal of your sins. Revelation 19:13 And he [was] clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: