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Artist Introduction

Hi! My name is Debbie Turner Chavers and I am so pleased you have taken some time to explore my work.  I am a working artist who is learning everyday and strive to write or paint daily.
I have had no formal training, my training has come through the grace of God, paired with observation and my willingness to practice as I learn.

My heart is toward scripture art, to convey in word and art, God's love for us all. When I am not working I enjoy spending time with my family, gardening, traveling, reading, listening to great music and cooking something delicious!

I have been married to my husband Timothy for 43 years. We have several grown children and several grand children.

I started drawing and painting in response to a desire to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and God's love for man. Art Parables  is the name that my contemporary Scripture art is found under.

The paintings are the images and concepts that the Lord has given me as I study His Word. You can read a bit about the process by clicking here. Many of the pictures were sketched initially in my study/prayer journals before they were painted.
I also write Word Parables/ encouragements at 
I began painting in earnest while I was living in Maui, Hawaii after a prayerful encounter with the Lord in His word.

Daily the LORD has revealed His faithfulness to complete that which He started in me.  I am eternally grateful to God who loves so big and wants to include all through the shed blood sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ.

This life is but a small moment within eternity, do not wait any longer to commit your life and your gifting to God. God loves you and I pray my work blesses you.

During my interview on Bridges on WHTN I shared how I began my Art Parable ministry.

I am enclosing a bit of it here:
During a personal bible study while living in Hawaii I read the scriptures in Exodus 31 about Bezaleel and his anointing to carry out the craftsmanship of building the tent tabernacle. As I silently read the scriptures, I started to cry and I heard myself say  out loud "LORD, I want to do that, I want to create things that will point others to you. To my amazement I heard the LORD reply in my spirit that I could.
My heart cry had been uttered without premeditation, so I was shocked at what I had asked the LORD and the answer that I had received. My flesh immediately started to reason with me and my next question was one of incredulous delight. I replied out loud " But how can I? I do not even know how to draw?
And again quickly I heard in my heart, His reply, " As you practice, I will teach you.
This exchange happened very early on a Saturday morning before my family rose for the day. For several hours I didn't tell them and held the information close to my heart, trying to wrap my mind around the blessing that I had received.
Within a short time I started looking around my house for something to draw on, to start practicing. The only thing I could find was a kindergarten pencil, I still have that pencil. Within days I was able to go to an art store to purchase a drawing pad and commit to beginning to practice.
After settling my children down with their homeschool studies, I went out on my lanai over looking a pasture of large trees and my neighbors horse and began to draw. And so the practicing began. And God has continued to teach and show me the beauty in His Word as I continue to practice.
It is my continued prayer that by His Spirit he will use my work to honor Him, to help others see Him.

There is no new doctrine here. Art is a way to express my testimony of Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior and the way that God helps me understand His Word.
His word is the final valid answer to any question. I am not attempting to take the scriptures out of context or add anything to them. I usually portray the people in the Art Parables as Water-Men to represent all people. 

When you see the art parable it may not mean the same to you with the scriptures I have included, but I pray it makes you hungry and thirsty for more of God and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. 

The scriptures I include with each Art Parable is how God revealed His word to me and the picture that helped me understand the scriptures I read. 
I include many scripture references from the 66 books of the bible to always lead you back to our source of life, peace and righteousness. I believe God speaks to His children, communicates His Word in relationship with us, in a way we can receive individually and corporately as His Bride, the Body of Christ.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. The pure validity of His Word which does not change, never changes. Our perception of Him may change, but He stays the same.
My art parables are my attempt to help others see the wonder and beauty of His written Word as a visual. It is my prayer that the imagery of the art parable causes you to bless God, learn and lean upon His Word. Nothing produced by this mere human or any other human can magnify the LORD the way that His WORD does.

Blessings to you and yours,
Debbie Turner Chavers

If you are ready to start your new life and know the love of Christ Jesus for yourself, then ask Him to be your Lord and Savior.

You can click here to read a prayer similar to what I prayed to ask Him into my heart.

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